
random cream cheese commercial

best commercial for cream cheese ever.

Sick day

Hello, Monday.

So my cold subsided for a couple of days (I took a photography class and went to a birthday party), but decided to get worse today, when I have homework.

Some things that are getting me through it...

(3, 45)

My Dr. Seuss sweatshirt, tea and tissues, the Oscars :), and, of course, the J.Crew March catalogue. (Online, as mine has yet to arrive.)

Wish me well!



Friday Faves


I know I haven't posted in a couple of days, but unfortunately I've been sick. :( 

Nonetheless, I couldn't miss out on Friday Faves, so...

Photo creds: (1234)

1.) As I've been feeling somewhat under the weather, tea has been my go-to drink! Wild Sweet Orange is my current favorite, although I've been drinking caffeine-free Tazo Rest at night. Not convinced of Tazo's greatness? Even its website is incredibly zen.

2.) These Anthro shoes are super cute! I have been searching for lace-up - or oxford - wedges, but these would work well too. If I'm not mistaken, they just came in with their Spring collection.

3.) This print is my desktop wallpaper. Yellow usually doesn't impress me, but lately it's seemed like sunshine! Maybe it's the tea. ;)

4.) This album is my current favorite! Some of their songs take some getting used to, but I have come to love them all. I supposed I'm biased though, seeing as I do enjoy Brooke White's blog an awful lot.

Well, have a lovely weekend! Hopefully I'll feel better by Monday. :)



Play ball!

Math class got out early yesterday, so we decided to catch the baseball game!

We got there just as Luke was pitching, so it was perfect timing! 

By the way, we won 8-7. :)

If you want to watch the whole game, go here.

By the way, my rose is wilting. I think it's probably time to throw it out. Oh well, it's in preparation for March, I suppose! Three more months till Summer.

Have a lovely Wednesday!



It's President's Day!

Happy President's Day!

Our school assigned a "self-study" day yesterday, so my family and our cousin, Avery, went to Haagen-Dazs at the West Oak's Mall for ice cream. For chocolate lovers, I strongly suggest the Belgian Chocolate Chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone. SO good!

I might have to pick some up from the store the next time I'm feeling blue. :)

Later, we played croquet. Although it was extremely cold and windy, it was still pretty fun.

Happy President's Day!


P.S., be sure to check out the Rays of Sunshine tab. ;)


We all scream for ice cream!

Yesterday I went for ice cream with Aunt Becky! Twistee Treat is the best ice cream place in the county. And the one by us is the one shaped like an ice cream cone, which makes it all the better.

Caleb is definitely related to me, since he squealed whenever there wasn't a thin layer of ice cream on his tongue(and his face).

JoJo had a chocolate goatee. Enough said.

And Hannah was (of course) sweet enough to share her ice cream with her baby brother. :)

I watched the newest Muppets movie for the first time.

 Jim AND Karen (from The Office) are in it! I would act excited that Amy Adams is in it too, but it always looks like she's about to cry. I do, however, like her hair.

Also, I think Dad and I found the world's longest lasting dish soap bubble.



Friday Faves

New series! :) every Friday I'll tell you what I'm liking most this week.

1.) I'm loving the prints on Etsy! I'm thinking that if you read words like these often enough, you'll start to believe them.

2.) I wish you could SMELL the rose in my room right now. Since my room isn't that large, it's smelling up the entire space! :)

3.) At the moment (and every other moment this week), I'm craving pancakes. Pictured here is a pancake puff, which looks even more delicious than a regular one, if that's conceivable. 

4.) I've been looking for a denim shirt, and this one looks perfect! I'll have to hunt of a look-alike.

Have a lovely weekend! xoxo

Photo creds: (134) -- 2 taken by me!


I brought my camera to school yesterday! 

(Melanie gave the hand.)

I can't wait to graduate! College will be so fun. :)


Happy birthday, Dad!

Yesterday was Dad's birthday! He's 29. ;)

I made banana pudding, and there were tacos! I don't think I got the recipe exactly right, but we'll try again next time.

Everything was very tasty! Tacos are so fun. :)

Happy birthday, Dad! 


Happy Valentine's Day! (yesterday)

Yesterday we had a party! Everybody baked, and the food was delicious. My friend Melanie and I were so excited. Party planning is at its best when the party is happening and going well.

Classes after the party though... not the nicest thing. But when items are placed just right,

it looks kind of cool.

I stayed late after school and got some pictures of the church and the memorial garden outside.

The architecture of churches/cathedrals is always so well-done. It's like the designers feel threatened by God that if they don't do a good job, He'll strike them with lightning. Whatever the reason for their creativity, it's effective.

I also snapped some shots of of my gorgeous sister and her 'incredible' hair. Also, my friend Hannah, who can't not laugh! (She's kind of a ball of light.)

By the way, follow this blog! It's my latest obsession. In fact, it's the inspiration for this blog. (although I have no expectations for mine ever having the same viral success) :)