
Baking with the Myrauns :)

Yesterday I went to Aunt Becky's house!
Oh, how I love it there. :)
No matter how crazy the kids get, I remain convinced that their family is near perfection.

This time around, my aunt and I baked cookies while the children napped.
It was fun!
I learned that zesting a lemon is not as easy as scraping the skin off of a lemon with a cheese grater.
Also, you don't need to pile powdered sugar onto every individual cookie, no matter how much you want to.
It will irritate the person you're baking with.
Said person may or may not have the sudden urge to hurl cookie dough at your face.
The only thing stopping them is the fact that they would have to clean up the mess.

(Sorry for the blurriness. Although iPhones have the best phone cameras around, they're not Nikons.)

These look like shrimp cookies.
In reality, they're pink lemonade cookies, and they are quite good.
However, they were not as good as we thought they would be.
That could be allotted to the fact that someone took an amazing picture of the finished product and somehow made the food look more yummy than it is.

I still think they look a little like shrimp.

Opinions aside, the recipe was a good one and deserves to be linked.

I believe I'm back on track with blogging, but we'll see.
My Summer has been filled, ironically, with school-related items.
Of course, there are the relaxed days that scream "summer", but not everyone can live stress-free lives.
Who would micro-manage?

I hope your weekend was fantastic.


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