
Update/Friday Faves

So first of all, I got my driver's license today!

This picture is definitely better than my permit picture. I'm very happy with it!

My dad videoed my test, so I'll post it if I can get my hands on it.

Friday Faves!


1) Puff pancake! I tried to make one the other day with a different recipe and it didn't turn out too well, but I think I'll make another one tomorrow. They look so good!!

2) Etsy prints are the best! I have found dozens that I would gladly frame and hang. This one is almost too perfect.

3) I've been listening to Regina Spektor a lot lately. Two Birds is my favorite track! (I've also been listening to Soko's I'll Never Love You More.)

4) This dress looks perfect for the weekend! I love the dresses you can throw on, knowing it will go with anything. 

Have a lovely weekend! I'll try to post something tomorrow. (birthday party!)
