
Sick Days/ Friday Faves/ Science Center

Friday Faves!!
(I'm on schedule this week) :)

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) :

1) This is very true. However, the philosophy is often questioned by many. For instance, today I wore a skirt and my dad asked why in the world I would wear something nice on an ordinary day. True, I wasn't wearing it in order to be 'polite', but there's no great reason why I shouldn't wear something on a Friday that I would wear on a Sunday. Or... maybe it's a teenage girl thing. Either way, I love being well dressed, and that's a perfectly good reason to be exactly that.

2) This print is so adorable! I love the French-ness of it. I would actually buy this print and frame it. I'm not sure where I would put it, but I'm certain it would go perfectly somewhere in my room.

3) I want a Vespa in mint. I doubt any other person I know is as obsessed with European modes of transportation as I am. (although I could probably bike more)

4) In about six years, this will be me. (hopefully I'm half as gorgeous as the majority of the woman in this picture). I will have successfully become an event planner, meaning that I will attend glamorous soirees that require evening gowns and a dashing date. (who, by the way, happens to be my Prince.)

{Oh, I haven't told you about my Prince? Well that's probably because I haven't met him yet. 
It's nearly impossible in high school.
There's a list of qualities that he has.
(these qualities have accumulated over the years.)
If I find time in my weekend, perhaps I'll describe him to you. :)}

5) This depicts my ideal day off. It also reminds me that I need to buy new books and teacups (which I will hand wash with care). I love that Florida summers are rainy in the afternoons. They make the objects in this picture essential, and they're really all you need on rainy days except perhaps cute rain boots. (Also, old books are just really charming.)

I will be the first to admit that I ought to blog much more than I do.
Unfortunately, sickness came at a most inconvenient time and I was unable to blog from Sunday to Wednesday. 
As Miranda from The Devil Wears Prada would say, I was 'an incubus of viral plague'.
(Basically I had a stomach bug, followed by a few days of horrible vertigo.)

Other than that, though...

my week was fairly good.

On Thursday, I went to the Orlando Science Center
Although it wasn't quite as exciting as it used to be,
(and we're talking elementary school)
it was still pretty cool.
I took pictures.

Obviously, I was a fan of the dinosaur exhibit. (always have been)

I probably looked like an idiot spinning this around to get the 'eye of the storm' effect.

I went into the anatomy exhibit.
I took a picture.
I walked right back out.
I am not destined to become a nurse.
Also, I am dreading Anatomy class.

My favorite part of the whole thing!! I'd use it as a giant, glamorous nightlight.

It's a perfect little world. :)

This reminded me too much of Alice in Wonderland to not take a picture. Seriously, this was too cool.

Yes, they had baby crocodiles!

We watched a documentary on dolphins in a really rare dome-like theater. It was pretty cool.

And this was the stage in the very empty theater at the back of the building. I'm not sure if I was even supposed to be there.

So there you have it! 
My whole week in one post. 
Hopefully I'll be able to post more often. 
I really do love blogging.

Until next time, my dears. 


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