
Friday Faves

Told you I'd be back. :)

Okay, Friday faves! Don't you just love 'em? 

 (1, 2, 3, 4)

1) I've been looking for a denim jacket, seeing as the one I've been wearing is just shaped strangely. It looks too big at some angles, but that's just the way it's made! The one pictured, however, looks like it would fit perfectly.

2) How cute are these giraffes? This picture is simply adorable, and I couldn't help adding it to the list. Did you know that giraffes' tongues are really clean because they eat so many leaves? (No, that should not count as incentive for you to eat leaves.)

3) Pizza and pasta are two things I have been absolutely CRAVING this week. This pizza looks like it would satisfy said craving, but not also make me feel like I drank a bottle of grease. The green probably has something to do with it.

4) This is a very inspirational quote. Living by it wouldn't be such a bad idea, if you catch my drift. In general, it's important to remain positive and to really look for the best in both people and situations.

By the way, Bobby stopped by to see me at work today! (obviously, the smoothies had nothing to do with the visit.) ;) It was a welcome surprise, and I encourage you all to please do the same!

Well my dears, I'm off to a play. My sisters are in our school's performance of Beauty and the Beast, and I'm sure the casts' hard work at rehearsals will pay off.

Until Monday!


P.S., I'm using a new software for my collages, seeing as Picnik shut down. :( If any of you fellow Picnik users are wondering where in the world you're supposed to go to add dinosaur stickers or clone out that thing on the wall, I use PicMonkey to do simple editing and Picture Collage Maker for... well, collages. I actually like PCM better than Picnik! Hope that helps. :)

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